Deploy status page on Cloudflare Workers using UptimeFlare

— 2 minute read

UptimeFlare is deployed on Cloudflare Pages, Workers and KV. Its features are quite comprehensive. So I also used it to build a status page at The first deployment will take some time, so please be patient.

Among these, the most data-intensive is the free version limit of Cloudflare Workers KV—1000 daily write, delete, and list operations. I monitor my four websites, and the write operations occasionally exceed 500 times by a small margin, but are usually below 500 times.

Introduction permalink

A more advanced, serverless, and free uptime monitoring & status page solution, powered by Cloudflare Workers, complete with a user-friendly interface.

Features permalink

  • Open-source, easy to deploy (in under 10 minutes, no local tools required), and free
  • Monitoring capabilities
    • Up to 50 checks at 1-minute intervals
    • Geo-specific checks from over 310 cities worldwide
    • Support for HTTP/HTTPS/TCP port monitoring
    • Up to 90-day uptime history and uptime percentage tracking
    • Customizable request methods, headers, and body for HTTP(s)
    • Custom status code & keyword checks for HTTP(s)
    • Downtime notification supporting 100+ notification channels
    • Customizable Webhook
  • Status page
    • Interactive ping (response time) chart for all types of monitors
    • Responsive UI that adapts to your system theme
    • Customizable status page
    • Use your own domain with CNAME

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